Statement of Faith
What do we believe?
We believe in the infallible Word of God. We believe that God created the world and that He sent his son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us from our sin.
We believe it is the responsibility of each Christian to love God and their neighbor. Use the "Statement of Faith" button on this page to download a pdf of our complete statement of faith.
Core values
The following core values of Forest Hills Bible Chapel are based on the foundational truths taught in the Bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in, and flows out of, these biblical doctrines.
Church Family
We believe in the only true and living God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. Our hope, faith, and salvation are in Him alone.
All people matter to God, and He is seeking to reconcile them to Himself. As people of God and ambassadors for Christ, God calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves.
The Good News of Jesus – His coming as Messiah; His death, burial and resurrection; and His return as Judge and Savior – is the only door through which we can enter into a relationship with God. God calls all people to repent and believe in His Son Jesus.
God hears and acts when we pray. He invites us to approach Him as children approach their father: in dependence and faith and with persistence.
God calls us to be fully devoted followers of Jesus. We seek to become people of Christlike integrity in our character and conduct.
God calls people to belong to Jesus Christ, the head of the Church, and to join with one another as members of His household.
God has spoken and continues to speak in and through Scripture about Himself and His will for us. The Bible is our final authority for life and faith, teaching us the truth about God as Creator, our rebellion, His work to restore us, and our new life with Him now and forever.
God is worthy of our enthusiastic praise. As we come to know God, we are moved to display ever-increasing gratitude and love for Him by our words and our lives.
Priesthood of All Believers
God calls all Christians to draw near to Himself, to serve one another with our gifts, and to be His witnesses in the world around us in word and life.
Unity and Diversity
God calls believers to be united in their faith, in their pursuit of Christ, and in their acceptance of all those whom God has accepted. “In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, diversity. In all things, charity.”